Leslie Platt: Castra with stick in her collar 230210 022
Leslie Platt: Castra by the river 230210 024
Leslie Platt: Castra investigating 230210 019
Leslie Platt: Castra 230210 011
Leslie Platt: Castra 230210 010
Leslie Platt: Castra 230210 005
Leslie Platt: Castra in Delamere Forest pictures downloaded 110310 020
Leslie Platt: Delamere Forest 180310 pictures downloaded 190310 005
Leslie Platt: Delamere Forest 180310 pictures downloaded 190310 006
Leslie Platt: Castra in Delamere Forest 180310 pictures downloaded 190310 010
Leslie Platt: Castra in Delamere Forest 180310 pictures downloaded 190310 015
Leslie Platt: Delamere Forest 180310 pictures downloaded 190310 017
Leslie Platt: Castra in Delamere Forest 180310 pictures downloaded 190310 018
Leslie Platt: Delamere Forest 180310 pictures downloaded 190310 020
Leslie Platt: Delamere Forest 180310 pictures downloaded 190310 021
Leslie Platt: Delamere Forest 180310 pictures downloaded 190310 022
Leslie Platt: Delamere Forest 180310 pictures downloaded 190310 007
Leslie Platt: Chasing leaves in Delamere Forest 180310 pictures downloaded 190310 011
Leslie Platt: Castra in Delamere Forest 180310 pictures downloaded 190310 012
Leslie Platt: Castra, wet and bedraggled pictures downloaded 220410 017
Leslie Platt: Castra fishing for a stick pictures downloaded 220410 022
Leslie Platt: Castra with stick pictures downloaded 220410 024
Leslie Platt: Delamere Forest 270812 - DSC_0676
Leslie Platt: Delamere Forest 270812 - DSC_0658
Leslie Platt: Delamere Forest 270812 - DSC_0659
Leslie Platt: Delamere Forest 270812 - DSC_0660
Leslie Platt: Castra goes for a swim
Leslie Platt: Delamere Forest 270812 - DSC_0665
Leslie Platt: Delamere Forest 270812 - DSC_0666
Leslie Platt: Delamere Forest 270812 - DSC_0667