Leslie Platt: Thomas passes 44806 aka The Flying Kipper 261008 011
Leslie Platt: PC Plod gets his man! 261008 007
Leslie Platt: Thomas helps PC Plod chase the thief 261008 005
Leslie Platt: Dirty Diesel on Platform 1 at Llangollen 261008 003
Leslie Platt: Thomas the Tank Engine [21] 251008 039
Leslie Platt: Thomas the Tank Engine [19] 251008 037
Leslie Platt: Thomas the Tank Engine [17] 251008 034
Leslie Platt: Thomas the Tank Engine [13] 251008 030
Leslie Platt: Thomas the Tank Engine [11] 251008 028
Leslie Platt: Thomas the Tank Engine [9] 251008 026
Leslie Platt: Thomas the Tank Engine [6] 251008 023
Leslie Platt: Thomas the Tank Engine [5] 251008 022
Leslie Platt: Thomas The Tank Engine [4] 251008 021
Leslie Platt: Thomas The Tank Engine [3] 251008 019
Leslie Platt: Thomas The Tank Engine [2] 251008 016
Leslie Platt: Thomas the Tank Engine 251008 015
Leslie Platt: Duck 2 Llangollen Railway 130808 005
Leslie Platt: Goliath, Llangollen Railway 130808 004
Leslie Platt: Duck Llangollen Railway 130808 001
Leslie Platt: Thomas and Daisy, Llangollen Station 110808 004
Leslie Platt: Percy on a rest day, Llangollen Station 110808 005
Leslie Platt: The Fat Controller [1] 110808 006
Leslie Platt: The Fat Controller [2] 110808 007
Leslie Platt: Duck, Llangollen Station 110808 008
Leslie Platt: Thomas on brake van duty, Llangollen 110808 009
Leslie Platt: Thomas takes on water, Llangollen 110808 013
Leslie Platt: Llangollen Station - brake van rides on platform 2 - 10 2 08
Leslie Platt: 44806 moves towards the head shunt 301008 002
Leslie Platt: 44806 moves out of the headshunt [3] 301008 007
Leslie Platt: 44806 waits to run round to head Carrog train 271008 291008 005