Lester Haines: The view from the prado
Lester Haines: New territory
Lester Haines: This wall is for the off
Lester Haines: Ramon makes short work of the wall
Lester Haines: Creating the new entrance
Lester Haines: Forming a ramp
Lester Haines: Space for the gates
Lester Haines: The ramp almost formed
Lester Haines: The ramp pretty well wrapped
Lester Haines: Broken mains water pipe
Lester Haines: The view from the prado
Lester Haines: New gates
Lester Haines: The new gates
Lester Haines: New gates
Lester Haines: Distant view of the new gates
Lester Haines: The view into the field
Lester Haines: Gates posts prepped for concrete pour
Lester Haines: The pour in progress
Lester Haines: Note the water level
Lester Haines: The view from the prado
Lester Haines: The gates mounted
Lester Haines: A few buckets of earth to level the entrance
Lester Haines: Matt contemplates the wall
Lester Haines: Autumnal view of gates
Lester Haines: Mahonia
Lester Haines: Wall rebuild
Lester Haines: Wall rebuild
Lester Haines: Matt tackles some stonework
Lester Haines: Matt and Richard
Lester Haines: Some light Easter walling action