Lester Haines: Chris wonders if he should order a Tia Maria
Lester Haines: Happy? That won't last long
Lester Haines: Murray sups ale
Lester Haines: Robin lurking
Lester Haines: Murray and Oatsie
Lester Haines: Two subs and a hackette
Lester Haines: Hackettes with unidentified bloke
Lester Haines: Drew and Aaron warm up
Lester Haines: A man of vision
Lester Haines: Sales boys hammer the pints
Lester Haines: More street merriment
Lester Haines: Light rain fails to stop play
Lester Haines: Drunken grins bridge the Atlantic
Lester Haines: Defence correspondent destroys glass of wine
Lester Haines: The well-dressed end of the bash
Lester Haines: Robin looks slightly crazed
Lester Haines: El Reg female representatives
Lester Haines: Finance and sales meet editorial
Lester Haines: Strategy Boutique business
Lester Haines: Editorial power pair
Lester Haines: Cigarette break
Lester Haines: The obligatory speech
Lester Haines: Linus and Phil cap off the night