317537: sweet patio
317537: africa
317537: warm
317537: orchids
317537: orchid stalagtites and stalagmites
317537: freezing flowers
317537: ice blocks
317537: drippy lilly
317537: drippy lilly
317537: "frozen" callowlilies
317537: the polar caps
317537: a not bleeding heart
317537: organic lobster
317537: purple lurple
317537: stripey mc stripe stripe
317537: floating flowers
317537: floating flowers
317537: blue table
317537: bicycle garden
317537: a market
317537: sea urchin looking succulent
317537: ikebana
317537: floral contrast
317537: southwestern looking ikebana
317537: joel
317537: mirror mirror
317537: mirror mirror
317537: mirror on the ceiling
317537: R0013557.JPG
317537: R0013558.JPG