~Lessaweaver: The Money Chamber
~Lessaweaver: Zipping in
~Lessaweaver: Explaining the rules
~Lessaweaver: Saying it was only suppose to be 10 seconds
~Lessaweaver: All smiles
~Lessaweaver: 1 reminder....
~Lessaweaver: and the money starts flying
~Lessaweaver: ger ready.....
~Lessaweaver: Catching money
~Lessaweaver: watching the whirl wind
~Lessaweaver: Times up
~Lessaweaver: Unzipping
~Lessaweaver: Counting her catch
~Lessaweaver: Unwrinkling the bills
~Lessaweaver: AnnMarie was offered a try
~Lessaweaver: Leaking radiator fluid