~Lessaweaver: Waldorf Hotel
~Lessaweaver: Waldorf Hotel
~Lessaweaver: Warnings
~Lessaweaver: He's fast...and he's a hair puller!
~Lessaweaver: Meghan running scared!
~Lessaweaver: Evil odors....
~Lessaweaver: Wolf Man
~Lessaweaver: Lurking in a corn field at night...
~Lessaweaver: DSCF0016
~Lessaweaver: DSCF0017
~Lessaweaver: Comming out of the corn field...
~Lessaweaver: Awesome in the dark!
~Lessaweaver: The Ring
~Lessaweaver: Caught cha!
~Lessaweaver: Awesome acid critter!
~Lessaweaver: You so better not touch me!
~Lessaweaver: Kind of busy....
~Lessaweaver: A great time!