~Lessaweaver: A bird on the chain
~Lessaweaver: Lessa trying to lure a bird....
~Lessaweaver: Birds Waiting
~Lessaweaver: Vets approaching The Wall
~Lessaweaver: Starting their ceremony
~Lessaweaver: Getting ready to say a Prayer
~Lessaweaver: A Prayer
~Lessaweaver: Prayer at The Wall
~Lessaweaver: Dedicating their Bell
~Lessaweaver: Vietnam Vets
~Lessaweaver: Rodriguez, Davis, Hardman, Brown, Freitag, Charlie and Buchanon
~Lessaweaver: Visiting The Wall
~Lessaweaver: Let Freedom Ring
~Lessaweaver: Liberty Bell ~ "Let Freedom Ring"
~Lessaweaver: Irish Joe and Puddles
~Lessaweaver: Vietnam Vets at The Wall
~Lessaweaver: Vets Visiting The Wall
~Lessaweaver: Looking for Jerry Thompson
~Lessaweaver: Support
~Lessaweaver: Looking for Jerry Manning
~Lessaweaver: Looking for Jerry Manning
~Lessaweaver: Vets found their friend
~Lessaweaver: Looking for a friend's name
~Lessaweaver: Dave looking for Jerry Thompson
~Lessaweaver: Jerry Thompson
~Lessaweaver: Dave taking a picture of Jerry Thompson's name
~Lessaweaver: Jerry E Thompson
~Lessaweaver: Jerry E Thompson KIA
~Lessaweaver: Tracing Jerry E Thompson
~Lessaweaver: Jerry Manning ~ You are not forgotten