Kayla's Pumpkin
Kayla and Lessa eating popcorn
Marilyn Monroe with Popcorn in her teeth
Jimmy eating popcorn
Kayla, Jimmy and Lessa with Humprey
Eating popcorn with Humprey
Jimmy and Kayla checking out the out house
Lessa with Cows
Egyption and Kayla
Kayla and Jimmy at the Beach
Lessa and Kayla sharing a lobster
Nice one! Lessa and Kayla with a lobster
Jimmy and a pirate
Don't throw That!
Kayla, Jimmy and Lessa cleaning pumpkins
More Goop out of the Pumpkins
Getting the Goop out
Two Parrots
Baby on momma's back
Eagles Staley
Sack of Potatoes
Jason hauling a dead kid around
Green Eyed Witch Cat
Hot Dog