~Lessaweaver: All the kids and grand kids
~Lessaweaver: Sisters
~Lessaweaver: RB and John
~Lessaweaver: Tammy's little pea pod
~Lessaweaver: Christmas as Pooh Bear
~Lessaweaver: Starring Lessa as Pooh Bear 1998
~Lessaweaver: Sammie, Chrissy and Lessa
~Lessaweaver: Lessa with Paint
~Lessaweaver: Sisters, Sammie and Chrissy 1995
~Lessaweaver: Lessa, Chrissy and Sammie 1995
~Lessaweaver: Sammie with dog 2 years old
~Lessaweaver: Sammie 2 years old
~Lessaweaver: Lessa 3 Years old
~Lessaweaver: Lessa and Pooh Bear 3 yrs old
~Lessaweaver: Lessa talking on the phone 1994
~Lessaweaver: Lessa 1994
~Lessaweaver: Lessa Chrissy and Sammie 1993
~Lessaweaver: Lessa Easter
~Lessaweaver: Lessa and Mom 1993
~Lessaweaver: Lessa Two years Old
~Lessaweaver: Mom Graduation 1991
~Lessaweaver: Grandma's Graduation Pic
~Lessaweaver: Chrissy 1998 Kindergarten
~Lessaweaver: Chrissy 3 yrs old
~Lessaweaver: Marissa Marie Orleski
~Lessaweaver: Charcoal Drawing 1985
~Lessaweaver: Charcoal Drawing 1994
~Lessaweaver: Sharon & Mike's Son
~Lessaweaver: During an outing