~Lessaweaver: Toilet Paper presser
~Lessaweaver: Toilet Paper presser
~Lessaweaver: DSCF0049
~Lessaweaver: Can you guess the ht and width? Taller than wires
~Lessaweaver: Driver trying to steer around a bend
~Lessaweaver: Tolit Paper presser with the Dryer Behind It
~Lessaweaver: Can you count the wheels and axels on this bed
~Lessaweaver: Dave blocking people trying to pass
~Lessaweaver: Rear view of the load
~Lessaweaver: Electric company here
~Lessaweaver: Rear View and you can't see the truck
~Lessaweaver: Check out the trailers involved
~Lessaweaver: Above the last tire is the rear steering controls
~Lessaweaver: The whole load
~Lessaweaver: Long load, nicknamed a 'train'
~Lessaweaver: Rear truck is going to help push load uphill
~Lessaweaver: Notice how wide on a lil country road
~Lessaweaver: Takes 2 trucks to move the load
~Lessaweaver: Lifting the telephone lines
~Lessaweaver: Top of the second load is blue
~Lessaweaver: View of Loads from front
~Lessaweaver: Both Loads parked
~Lessaweaver: "Crab walking"
~Lessaweaver: Coming around the mountain....
~Lessaweaver: Both Directions of traffic shut down