Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: Before the Run/Walk
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: On the Shelley Lake Trail
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: Along the Shelley Lake Trail
Lesley Looper: Crabtree Creek
Lesley Looper: Crabtree Creek
Lesley Looper: New Shelley Lake Trail Signs
Lesley Looper: Along the Shelley Lake Trail
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake Boat House
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake Birds
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake Birds
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake Birds
Lesley Looper: New Shelley Lake Trail Sign
Lesley Looper: A Cat Named Hooter
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake Boathouse
Lesley Looper: Shelley Lake