Le Singe: Nice Landscape Shot - Pierces Pass, Looking towards Mirror Ball Pinnacle
Le Singe: Dave on the first pitch of 'Disco Dancer' (22*) - Pierces Pass
Le Singe: How to belay
Le Singe: How not to belay
Le Singe: Doing my my best DWS impression - Dam Cliffs
Le Singe: DOD Chalking Pre-Launch 'Unknown' (23) - Dams
Le Singe: Mr Heel Hook pulls into the crux of 'Unknown' (23) - Dams
Le Singe: Walls Lookout
Le Singe: 'Walking Wounded' (23***) - Cosmic
Le Singe: 'Walking Wounded' (23***) - Cosmic
Le Singe: 'Walking Wounded' (23***) - Cosmic
Le Singe: Riley on '80 Minute Hour' (18***) - Cosmic
Le Singe: 'Interstate 31' (17***)
Le Singe: Interstate 31 (17***) - Cosmic County
Le Singe: Interstate 31 (17***) - Cosmic County
Le Singe: Welcome to the Mt York Hilton
Le Singe: Zen time
Le Singe: Dave's Muscles with muscles impression on 'Hypoxic' (23*) - Freezer
Le Singe: Nice Rose move! Meri cruzing 'Mad Cow Disease' (22*)
Le Singe: More campusing fun
Le Singe: Meri on 'Meat Mallet' (24**)
Le Singe: How to Campus 101
Le Singe: 'Meat Mallet' (24**)
Le Singe: Shake that pump
Le Singe: I call it the Salad Bowl... Jug City on 'Meat Mallet' (24**) - Freezer
Le Singe: Dave on 'SWALK' (22**)
Le Singe: 'SWALK' (22**) - Freezer
Le Singe: Meri all over 'Mr Curly'
Le Singe: Mr french blow stylin' on cowboy clip