lesamonster: Betsy Ross
lesamonster: Betsy and Abe Lincoln
lesamonster: No smiling Abe!
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Castro?
lesamonster: October Surprise
lesamonster: Pork Barrel Tenderloin
lesamonster: Republican Choke Dip
lesamonster: Condoleeza Rice Krispies
lesamonster: Cuttin' the 'loin
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: 274/365 | monica lewinsky
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Victory Cake
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party
lesamonster: Election Party