Leripix: Challenge #39 “Try again, fail again, fail better.” (Samuel Beckett) — Richard Mosse
Leripix: David
Leripix: Year 2 - Instruction #02 "Capture a moment of silence in the never ending noise of the world" ~ Pierre Belhassen
Leripix: #11 Photograph something that you have never shot before, in a style you have never used before, so the photo is not recognisable as yours!
Leripix: #18 ~ Ask someone if you can spend half an hour in their company whilst you try and capture their true essence / personality.
Leripix: Challenge #40 The painter Bonnard said “Make little lies to tell a great truth”. Use that as your inspiration.
Leripix: Challenge #12
Leripix: Challenge #42 A portrait is to be given never taken...
Leripix: Challenge #52 Beauty's Nothing. Show me your take on this.
Leripix: #03 Capture an honest portrait of a complete stranger in the street
Leripix: Challenge #07 Photograph at least one person who lives on the same street as you
Leripix: Year 2 #25 " Create a dreamworld using light and space that surrounds you." - Tomasz Lazar
Leripix: One (2)