Leripix: Right a bit..
Leripix: dogvegas
Leripix: Hotel Forvm
Leripix: dog and door
Leripix: Evening Encounter
Leripix: Grotto
Leripix: Dixie
Leripix: Challenge #50 ~ Bend it, Break it, Bin It (with the help of a Welsh Terrier)
Leripix: Come by
Leripix: SPNC Yr 3 #3
Leripix: Challenge #47 ~ Photograph Impermanence
Leripix: like a party every day
Leripix: Instruction # 20 "Look for the strange amongst strangers, the hidden oddities or things that are out of place." - Jo Paul Wallace
Leripix: Yr3 #05 ~ An age old relationship exists between the human and canine. Show the influence of the dog on our lives." - Shane Gray
Leripix: Bio Diesel
Leripix: #1 of the series 101 things to do with a stuffed dog and a willing man
Leripix: 26x26 #17 Make a picture that strives to demonstrate empathy for a subject ...Zun Lee
Leripix: dreams of flying with dragons