leostreet: central park race
leostreet: baseball
leostreet: school bus
leostreet: baseball at central park
leostreet: yellow bus
leostreet: please don't care the traffic!
leostreet: the buckets player
leostreet: man on the bus
leostreet: a very quite phone call
leostreet: reflexes
leostreet: apple store
leostreet: Chess game at the NYU place
leostreet: lighted railroad
leostreet: waiting for the subway
leostreet: Manhattan
leostreet: walking on the Brooklyn bridge
leostreet: Manhattan
leostreet: everyone is thinking about theyr own affairs
leostreet: traffic
leostreet: clouds on the buildings
leostreet: central park
leostreet: under the steps
leostreet: under the steps
leostreet: yellow
leostreet: strada indiana al Queen's