leopanta*: Am Hauptbahnhof
leopanta*: Early / Früh am Morgen / Mierendorffinsel
leopanta*: Abends bei den Stadtbahnbögen am Zoo
leopanta*: Stadtbahnbogen 369
leopanta*: with flowers
leopanta*: Stadtbahnbogen 87 (Vorderseite)
leopanta*: Tiles and shades
leopanta*: a small world from squares
leopanta*: blue shadow lines
leopanta*: blue shadows
leopanta*: Schloss im Spiegel
leopanta*: A happy new year for all of you!
leopanta*: Durchblick (Hansaviertel)
leopanta*: Blue Door (Hansaviertel)
leopanta*: The empty museum
leopanta*: Nordische Botschaften
leopanta*: living in the blue / birdhouses for sparrows
leopanta*: transparent blue
leopanta*: transparent blue
leopanta*: february light
leopanta*: In the blue ...
leopanta*: it's spring!
leopanta*: metal, sun and blue (I)
leopanta*: metal, sun and blue (II)
leopanta*: metal, sun and blue (III)
leopanta*: fairy lights in january at 20 degrees below zero
leopanta*: two of us