Leon Oosthuizen: Crocodile, patiently waiting for the most inconvenient moment to strike.
Leon Oosthuizen: Angel of death
Leon Oosthuizen: Remnants of a seahorse and a scaly green merc. "Your move!" the seahorse said to the merc with a salty kind of sarcasm. "From ashes to ashes, from rust to rust, you know".
Leon Oosthuizen: R is for rust.
Leon Oosthuizen: Auto Imune Disease
Leon Oosthuizen: The last icicle.
Leon Oosthuizen: Weather map
Leon Oosthuizen: Where lightning is born with very little effort.
Leon Oosthuizen: Impression Sunrise
Leon Oosthuizen: Resident Sin. Evil City.
Leon Oosthuizen: The mystery of love.
Leon Oosthuizen: Misty Sunrise over Rusty Ridge (100% crop)
Leon Oosthuizen: Misty Sunrise over Rusty Ridge
Leon Oosthuizen: Just do it
Leon Oosthuizen: Golden deliciousness
Leon Oosthuizen: Laslappie Community (Laslappie is Afrikaans for patchwork)
Leon Oosthuizen: Seeing the wood for the trees. Seeing the trees for the wood. In 50 years time, would se see the wood at all?
Leon Oosthuizen: Abstract reflections #1
Leon Oosthuizen: Warm door on Cold wall
Leon Oosthuizen: Skater's nightmare
Leon Oosthuizen: How lies work: The shadow seems more real, more interesting than the truth it imitates.
Leon Oosthuizen: Birds of a feather
Leon Oosthuizen: Artwork sometimes exists right in front of us - all it needs is a frame around it and a framer.
Leon Oosthuizen: Old school bus dressed up as a hyacinth macaw
Leon Oosthuizen: Seperation
Leon Oosthuizen: Rietired Bat Mobile
Leon Oosthuizen: Quatered