Leonisha: T - Holiday Friends - Open Immediately! (Persis Clayton Weirs)
Leonisha: Birdwatchers (Martha Edwards)
Leonisha: T -Peeking through the tulips (Barbara Mitchell)
Leonisha: Cats in the Garden (Gale Pitt)
Leonisha: T - Mischief Makers (Lewis Johnson)
Leonisha: T - Rainforest Rendezvous
Leonisha: T - Summer Window (Persis Clayton Weirs)
Leonisha: T - Puppies and Kittens (Jack Williams)
Leonisha: Gardener's Helper (Susan Bourdet)
Leonisha: T - Grandma's Kitchen (Charlotte Sternberg)
Leonisha: T - Pollyanna (Geoffrey Tristram)
Leonisha: Luciano in the Pizzeria (Geoffrey Tristram)
Leonisha: T - Early Christmas Morning (Wendy Christensen)
Leonisha: We're Being Good (Richard De Wolfe)
Leonisha: T - Letter to Santa (Kayomi Harai)
Leonisha: T - Cats in the Yarn Basket (Amy Rosenberg)
Leonisha: Undecorating the cake (Lesley Hammett)
Leonisha: Kitchen Kittens (Gale Pitt)
Leonisha: T - Garden Faces (Persis Clayton Weirs)
Leonisha: Anna and Ted (Geoffrey Tristram)
Leonisha: Kittens by the Stream (Higgins Bond)
Leonisha: Faces in the Garden (Denise Freeman)
Leonisha: T - Grey Lady (Amy Rosenberg)
Leonisha: T - Wagon Riders (Amy Rosenberg)
Leonisha: T - Kittens and Sweet William (Amy Rosenberg)
Leonisha: T - Cat Quilt (Amy Rosenberg)
Leonisha: Feline Folly (The Bonnec Brothers)
Leonisha: Tea and Biscuits (Isabella Angelini)
Leonisha: Beauty and the Beast (Don Daniels)
Leonisha: Welcome Home (Tricia Reilly Mathews)