Allenoel2011: "I wonder if I'll hear anything."
Allenoel2011: My First Ruruko Has Arrived Safely. ❤️
Allenoel2011: "Are we related?"
Allenoel2011: Tutu Ruruko x 2
Allenoel2011: It's a Real Scorcher Today!
Allenoel2011: How To Keep Cool
Allenoel2011: "Can't wait to grow into this jacket!"
Allenoel2011: "I'm not a crow. Truly. I'm not."
Allenoel2011: "I'm not a crow. Truly. I'm not."
Allenoel2011: "You're pretty."
Allenoel2011: Caught In The Act
Allenoel2011: "We're not supposed to be playing with them?"
Allenoel2011: "Look what we can do."