leonberard: Female Takahe
leonberard: Pateke/brown teal
leonberard: Pateke/brown teal
leonberard: Milky Way rising over the Mana Island wetland
leonberard: Rowi mating
leonberard: Rowi mating
leonberard: Yellow-crowned kākāriki/parakeet drinking off mahoe
leonberard: Nigel the gannet
leonberard: Nigel the gannet
leonberard: Yellow-crowned kakariki pair
leonberard: Juvenile white-fronted tern
leonberard: Pied shag
leonberard: You can't choose your neighbours..
leonberard: Yellow-crowned kakariki
leonberard: Yellow-crowned kakariki
leonberard: Whitehead
leonberard: Shag on approach to nesting tree
leonberard: Galactic sunset
leonberard: Leaf veined slug
leonberard: Little blue penguin
leonberard: Gecko hotel
leonberard: Mana Island sunset
leonberard: Mana Island sunset
leonberard: Takahe
leonberard: Takahe
leonberard: Takahe
leonberard: Whirlpool
leonberard: When you get your ducklings in a row