Leon B. Dista: FlickristasIndios in Binondo
Leon B. Dista: A Laborer's Son
Leon B. Dista: Mikoy and Matti
Leon B. Dista: Let it be.
Leon B. Dista: Kumusta na?
Leon B. Dista: Mga Munting Anghel sa San Sebastian
Leon B. Dista: dramachine
Leon B. Dista: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
Leon B. Dista: road to nowhere
Leon B. Dista: Binondo Church
Leon B. Dista: Court of Last Resort
Leon B. Dista: Central Post Office
Leon B. Dista: The Postman
Leon B. Dista: yellow house in Intramuros
Leon B. Dista: Roman Santos Building
Leon B. Dista: manila cathedral at sunset
Leon B. Dista: san agustin church
Leon B. Dista: what time is it?
Leon B. Dista: Green-house Effect