lreed76: Devil's Den, Gettysburg battlefield, 1957
lreed76: Little Round Top from Devil's Den, 1957
lreed76: Gettysburg battlefield, from observation tower, 1957
lreed76: Pennsylvania Monument, Gettysburg, July 4, 1957
lreed76: Cannon at Gettysburg, 1957
lreed76: Gettysburg Tower a few seconds before it starts to drop, July 3, 2000
lreed76: Cannon signals to bring down Gettysburg Tower, 7/3/2000
lreed76: Gettysburg Tower just starting to come down, July 3, 2000
lreed76: Gettysburg Tower starting to come down, July 3, 2000
lreed76: Re-enactors and crowd to watch implosion of Gettysburg Tower, July 3, 2000
lreed76: The Gettysburg Tower comes down, 7/3/00
lreed76: 55th Ohio monument at Gettysburg before the house came down
lreed76: 55th Ohio monument, Gettysburg, with the tree and house still there in 1971
lreed76: 55th Ohio monument
lreed76: Morgan Snyder, late 1860s, perhaps a wedding photo
lreed76: Morgan and Nancy Snyder in front of their farmhouse, Ithaca, MI, 1890s
lreed76: Interior of Morgan Snyder's farmhouse, Ithaca, MI, 1880s
lreed76: Morgan Snyder on his porch, early 20th century
lreed76: 11th PA, with Sallie the mascot at the foot of the statue
lreed76: 11th Pennsylvania
lreed76: Sallie the mascot at the foot of the 11th PA monument
lreed76: Ben Crippen shakes his fist at the Confederates (143d PA)
lreed76: Ben Crippen shakes his fist at Confederates (143rd PA)
lreed76: 149th PA
lreed76: 149th PA (new Bucktails)
lreed76: 149th PA soldier staring at the spot where the colors stood. This photo was featured in the Gettysburg Magazine article "Stories the Monuments Tell: The First Corps on July 1st"
lreed76: 142nd PA
lreed76: 142nd PA
lreed76: 90th PA
lreed76: 1st Minnesota monument