lreed76: Lois on Oxford Bellevue ferry
lreed76: Fishing boat at Bellevue, MD, marina
lreed76: Choptank River bridge, Eastern Shore
lreed76: One room school, Preston, MD
lreed76: One room school and Linthicum Mill, Preston, MD
lreed76: Old one room school, Preston, MD
lreed76: Eastern shore soybeans
lreed76: Eastern shore soybeans
lreed76: Eastern shore soybeans
lreed76: Eastern shore soybeans
lreed76: Eastern shore soybeans
lreed76: Eastern shore soybean field
lreed76: Eastern shore marsh
lreed76: Eastern shore marsh
lreed76: Looking in at Blackwater NWR
lreed76: Blackwater, closed by GOP House members who hate America
lreed76: Blackwater NWR closed by the GOP
lreed76: Blackwater NWR visitor center, closed by Ted Cruz
lreed76: Blackwater NWR closed -- thanks Ted Cruz
lreed76: Thanks for the GOP jerks who closed the Blackwater NWR
lreed76: Thanks Ted Cruz and the Tea Party for closing Blackwater NWR
lreed76: Hooper Island marshland
lreed76: Marshland at Hooper Island
lreed76: Eastern shore marshland, on Hooper Island
lreed76: St. Mary Star of the Sea chapel ("Tubman Chapel")
lreed76: St. Mary Star of the Sea chapel "Tubman Chapel"
lreed76: Marker about St. Mary Star of the Sea chapel
lreed76: Eastern shore marshland
lreed76: Eastern shore marshland
lreed76: Eastern shore marshland