lreed76: Cornelius Vanderbilt, "the Commodore," National Portrait Gallery
lreed76: Biltmore House, Asheville, NC
lreed76: "The Breakers" Newport Mansion
lreed76: Biltmore House, Asheville, NC
lreed76: Biltmore mansion
lreed76: Biltmore House, Asheville, NC
lreed76: Fletcher-Sinclair House, New York City
lreed76: Fletcher-Sinclair House, New York City
lreed76: Fletcher-Sinclair House, New York City
lreed76: Fletcher-Sinclair House, New York City
lreed76: Frick Museum of Art, 5th Ave., New York City
lreed76: Frick Museum of Art, 5th Ave., New York City
lreed76: Inside the Frick
lreed76: Inside the Frick Museum, New York City
lreed76: Inside the Frick
lreed76: Frick Museum of Art, 5th Ave., New York City
lreed76: Jay Gould, National Portrait Gallery
lreed76: John D. Rockefeller, National Portrait Gallery
lreed76: Andrew Carnegie, National Portrait Gallery
lreed76: Old Carnegie Library, Warren, OH
lreed76: Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), National Portrait Gallery
lreed76: Bust of Lincoln Steffens, National Portrait Gallery
lreed76: 5th Ave. mansion, New York City
lreed76: Drake Oil Well, Titusville, PA
lreed76: Drake's first oil well, Titusville, PA
lreed76: Alexander Graham Bell, National Portrait Gallery
lreed76: Thomas Edison, National Portrait Gallery
lreed76: Cyrus McCormick, inventor of the reaper
lreed76: "Men of Progress," painting of US inventors, National Portrait Gallery
lreed76: Wright brothers glider, National Air and Space Museum