Leo Kan: 1 Jan: Sun-driying Chinese sausage
Leo Kan: 2 Jan: Newspapers on top of recycle bin
Leo Kan: 3 Jan: Clothes. Pants. Blankets?!
Leo Kan: 4 Jan: Whats inside my medicine pack?
Leo Kan: 5 Jan: Back to School
Leo Kan: 6 Jan: 福 Fortune
Leo Kan: 14 Jan: View from above
Leo Kan: 15 Jan: Smucker's Apricot
Leo Kan: 18 Jan: You've got mail!
Leo Kan: 17 Jan: Our aging public housing estate
Leo Kan: 16 Jan: Continuous coming, continuous going
Leo Kan: 20 Jan: Moliu-ology
Leo Kan: 19 Jan: Roots
Leo Kan: 21 Jan: 'Lai Sees'
Leo Kan: 22 Jan: First Camera Toss
Leo Kan: 23 Jan: Under the Lantern
Leo Kan: 24 Jan: I'm lovin' it
Leo Kan: (年三十) 25 Jan: Chinese peach blossom
Leo Kan: (年初二) 27 Jan: Look over here!
Leo Kan: 31 Jan: Kowloon Walled City Park
Leo Kan: 2 Feb: Do you know what is this?
Leo Kan: 9 Feb: Opened Lai Sees
Leo Kan: 8 Feb: Squared
Leo Kan: 10 Feb: Light at the end
Leo Kan: 22 March: Under the Smoke
Leo Kan: 22 March: Got Electricity?
Leo Kan: 23 March: Village Children