val head: Loved the Woodwards building right next to today's Style & Class conference venue!
val head: Day 5: A long walk through the Bath countryside to fight off jet lag. Walked through an old railway tunnel with a haunting audio installation, saw sheep, loud cows, and a serious rainbow.
val head: Back from the vet with a fancy cow print bandage for getting her shots.
val head: Laser cut earrings all wired up and ready to wear!
val head: BILTMOR
val head: Fire, lights, and more lights.
val head: Learned basic metal smithing tonight and made a ring out of a printing plate. Totally hooked!
val head: underneath the fur
val head: Quick relief for a fussy stomach
val head: A little bit of Nashville neon.
val head: So much type! So many presses!
val head: Nashville!
val head: Generators
val head: Pioneer Neon Supply Co.
val head: A red door having an identity crisis.
val head: Fancy Philadelphia tree grates
val head: A reflective Philly night
val head: Neopixel through-hole LEDs
val head: Two neopixel rings being rainbowy
val head: Furlights
val head: Actual name of a train station in Belgium :)
val head: Walked all around the most touristy parts of London today. It was super fun but now I'm really tired!
val head: Dramatic clouds and waves on last night's walk along the beach.
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val head: Coffee always comes on a cute tray with treats here. So I'm drinking a lot of coffee :)
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val head: Lovely first day in Belgium! Met new friends at the airport and discovered Belgium really knows how to do dessert :)
val head: Sunset between the bridges
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