ThisguycalledLenny: Cupboard doors
ThisguycalledLenny: Landing shelves up
ThisguycalledLenny: Hallway cupboard doors
ThisguycalledLenny: First floor bathroom
ThisguycalledLenny: Bedroom to living room
ThisguycalledLenny: Bedroom alcove
ThisguycalledLenny: Bedroom shelves
ThisguycalledLenny: Living room cupboards
ThisguycalledLenny: First floor living room
ThisguycalledLenny: Landing shelves
ThisguycalledLenny: The landing
ThisguycalledLenny: Landing to bedroom
ThisguycalledLenny: Living area
ThisguycalledLenny: Gable & patio (to be)
ThisguycalledLenny: Living area
ThisguycalledLenny: Gable & patio (to be)
ThisguycalledLenny: Where the shed used to be
ThisguycalledLenny: The steps, with first fix for lights
ThisguycalledLenny: Gable & patio (to be)
ThisguycalledLenny: Carving out the South side
ThisguycalledLenny: He fixes bricks
ThisguycalledLenny: The steps taking shape
ThisguycalledLenny: The patio is dug out
ThisguycalledLenny: First floor living room
ThisguycalledLenny: First floor living room