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lennoxr313: Woman with Toulouse-Lautrec's 'Moulin de la Galette'
lennoxr313: Man with Pierre Cecile Purvis de Chavannes' 'The Sacred Grove, Beloved of the Arts and the Muses'
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lennoxr313: 'Woman (Elevation)' by Gaston Lachiaise
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lennoxr313: 'Woman (Elevation)' by Gaston Lachiaise with Joseph Stella's 'A Vision'
lennoxr313: 'Woman (Elevation)' by Gaston Lachiaise
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lennoxr313: Security Guard and Moholy-Nagy's 'Cunstruction in Enamel 1, 2, &3'
lennoxr313: Man with Moholy-Nagy's 'Yellow Circle and Black Square'
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lennoxr313: Woman reads about Moholy-Nagy's Berlin Radio Tower series (no photographs allowed).
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lennoxr313: A couple passes by Moholy-Nagy's 'CH B3' as they leave the exhibit.
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lennoxr313: Self Portrait in Norman Bel Geddes' 'Manhattan Cocktail Set'
lennoxr313: Couple passes 'Clown with Drum' by Walt Kuhn
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