L.F.Lee: IMGP9321 copy
L.F.Lee: IMGP9850 copy
L.F.Lee: Kauai Coffee tasting
L.F.Lee: Small Town Coffee Co.
L.F.Lee: IMGP0579 copy
L.F.Lee: IMGP9799 copy
L.F.Lee: IMGP9786 copy
L.F.Lee: IMGP0118 copy
L.F.Lee: IMGP0059 copy
L.F.Lee: Pineapple Hot Souce
L.F.Lee: Cooling desert
L.F.Lee: Hotpot Mahi Mahi
L.F.Lee: Dinner in Lahaina
L.F.Lee: Wei-wei BBQ Restaurant | 燒腊店
L.F.Lee: Breakfast provided by Quicksilver
L.F.Lee: SnakeSkin Fruit (Salak)
L.F.Lee: $5 Pom!
L.F.Lee: The Coconut Experience Fruit Stand
L.F.Lee: IMGP5471 copy
L.F.Lee: Amherst, MA 05
L.F.Lee: Taste of Summer
L.F.Lee: Summer 2013
L.F.Lee: IMGP1629_edit copy
L.F.Lee: New York City China Town 03
L.F.Lee: Montreal Poutine.
L.F.Lee: Mexican Bun / Roti Boy