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Proper Vacation: Part I by Lena Webb
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Lena Webb
Where is the where?
Lena Webb
Paxton's Gate curiosity shop: blinded by taxidermy
Lena Webb
My dad built this bar
Lena Webb
The view from Bloom's
Lena Webb
Lena Coldfront! Brooks Ptarmigan!
Lena Webb
I didn't know airports had lounges
Lena Webb
Matthew immediately falls asleep
Lena Webb
Matthew prepares nasty little packets of hot cocoa
Lena Webb
Matthew travels light
Lena Webb
And of course, Pimm's
Lena Webb
The Sydney Opera House
Lena Webb
The Sydney Bridge
Lena Webb
Totes casual
Lena Webb
The water was extremely blue
Lena Webb
Lena Webb
Pointless structure!
Lena Webb
Lena Webb
I don't remember why this was funny to us
Lena Webb
I like terra cotta rooves too
Lena Webb
I dunno, he looks awfully driven and successful to me
Lena Webb
Yes, please do
Lena Webb
Majestic fig tree
Lena Webb
Majestic ibis
Lena Webb
Under-fig shot
Lena Webb
Pretending to photograph the fig tree again...
Lena Webb
Majestic cockatoo
Lena Webb
Look honey, the sundial has a sundial feature
Lena Webb
TRPA1 agonist?? Maybe??
Lena Webb
Majestic lawn
Lena Webb
The incredible shrinking pyramid
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