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Waltham by Lena Webb
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Lena Webb
A Latin Jazz band practiced in the backyard
Lena Webb
Waltham: Watch City
Lena Webb
Wadsworth Ave
Lena Webb
Pearl and I are going to go out
Lena Webb
Incipient mothers, bathtub, Tanqueray
Lena Webb
One month into graduate school
Lena Webb
Pearl is hoping for a roast turkey
Lena Webb
Halloween 2006
Lena Webb
Guitar Hero on my birthday
Lena Webb
Our kitchen
Lena Webb
Our dinner table
Lena Webb
The nicer side of my room
Lena Webb
Tom and Pearl and Jean Luc Picard
Lena Webb
Mackenzie puts Jean Luc in a life-threatening situation
Lena Webb
Lena Webb
Public Pool Pearl
Lena Webb
Our informative shower curtain
Lena Webb
That came out of our shower drain
Lena Webb
Our neighbors celebrating the 4th
Lena Webb
Pearl and Tom on the T
Lena Webb
Sometimes I wake up early, even on Sundays...
Lena Webb
Dishwashing mayhem
Lena Webb
Apprehensive at the Tapas Bar
Lena Webb
Vulnerable at the Tapas Bar
Lena Webb
Bunuelos de alcachofas y espinaca
Lena Webb
Mediterranean Pearl
Lena Webb
Offensive fake candlelight
Lena Webb
Wadsworth Ave
Lena Webb
My arsenal
Lena Webb
White, clean
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