Lenareh™: Cagbalete Island
Lenareh™: Cagbalete Island ~ low tide
Lenareh™: ~the gentle flow~
Lenareh™: Sunrise moment in Cagbalete
Lenareh™: Imagoism Thursday # 43 {Paradise}
Lenareh™: ~“The first man gets the oyster, the second man gets the shell.” Andrew Carnegie ~
Lenareh™: Cagbalete Island, Mauban, Quezon
Lenareh™: ~barefoot is better~
Lenareh™: the morning light rays
Lenareh™: Back Beauty
Lenareh™: ~a little flower~
Lenareh™: holes among the clouds
Lenareh™: Sir Mervs
Lenareh™: ~will of the wind~
Lenareh™: Bukang Liwayway