lemurdillo: northern inside-out flower
lemurdillo: Hermissenda Fest 2008
lemurdillo: hermit
lemurdillo: seabright
lemurdillo: jeweled top snail
lemurdillo: dahlia 4
lemurdillo: noodly
lemurdillo: Hopkin's Rose
lemurdillo: stove
lemurdillo: bluefish go to school
lemurdillo: electric
lemurdillo: Chrysaora colorata
lemurdillo: PMCA light well
lemurdillo: octopus as practical joke
lemurdillo: Encelia farinosa - Brittlebrush (buds)
lemurdillo: chester
lemurdillo: "...swim that way about 50 yards, then go left at the hydrocoral..."
lemurdillo: Norrisia norrisi
lemurdillo: chiton rising
lemurdillo: egg yolk jelly -- also difficult.
lemurdillo: return to San Clemente Island
lemurdillo: octopus whack-a-mole
lemurdillo: queen anne cottage verandah ceiling
lemurdillo: hello, i'm a fish.
lemurdillo: Clematis ligusticifolia - Western white clematis
lemurdillo: Flabellina trilineata
lemurdillo: surfgrass and snails
lemurdillo: split