lemurdillo: eggs, eggs, eggs, and sponge
lemurdillo: oil slick leap from the water
lemurdillo: more squinty b
lemurdillo: horned nudibranch (Hermissenda crassicornis)
lemurdillo: leaning over the back of the boat
lemurdillo: rainbow sea star (Orthasterias koehleri)
lemurdillo: dang the poor picture!
lemurdillo: smile!
lemurdillo: obligatory artsy kelp shot
lemurdillo: smile!
lemurdillo: zebra goby
lemurdillo: hopkins 1-2-3
lemurdillo: strawberries and acorns
lemurdillo: señorita
lemurdillo: king of the sea cucumber
lemurdillo: legs! legs! legs!
lemurdillo: structure
lemurdillo: calico bass are always grumpy
lemurdillo: Odhners and Odhner's eggs
lemurdillo: highway 1 bridge over russian gulch
lemurdillo: brown chromis schooling over the reef
lemurdillo: blue-lined chiton
lemurdillo: "Duuude! Someone speared a freakin' TUNA!"
lemurdillo: sunset over San Clemente Island
lemurdillo: munch munch
lemurdillo: another mystery nudibranch
lemurdillo: blue lined chitons
lemurdillo: munch munch?
lemurdillo: orange cup coral (Balanophyllia elegans) and a sea lemon (Peltodoris nobilis)