lemurdillo: clatsop nootka or wood rose 1
lemurdillo: mushrooms
lemurdillo: poison oak - Toxicodendron diversilobum
lemurdillo: Blue Dicks / Common brodiaea - Dichelostemma capitatum
lemurdillo: Henderson's shooting star - Dodecatheon hendersonii 0
lemurdillo: western redbud, poison oak, buckeye
lemurdillo: Henderson's shooting star - Dodecatheon hendersonii 1
lemurdillo: Wooly Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja foliolosa)
lemurdillo: Diplacus aurantiacus (Sticky Monkey Flower)
lemurdillo: mystery lily
lemurdillo: Blue Dicks (Dichelostemma capitatum)
lemurdillo: Triteleia laxa
lemurdillo: yet another mystery lily-like-plant
lemurdillo: Armeria maritima - Thrift
lemurdillo: Triteleia laxa
lemurdillo: maritime poppies
lemurdillo: lupines and poppies
lemurdillo: Ben Lomond Spineflower
lemurdillo: Ben Lomond Spineflower
lemurdillo: blues
lemurdillo: buttercup
lemurdillo: wavyleaf soap plant
lemurdillo: california bee plant
lemurdillo: northern inside-out flower
lemurdillo: american speedwell
lemurdillo: western bleeding heart
lemurdillo: western bleeding heart
lemurdillo: field of lupines
lemurdillo: yellow bush
lemurdillo: youth-on-age