lemurdillo: orchid tree blossom
lemurdillo: Pink Fairy Duster (Calliandra eriophylla)
lemurdillo: taro patch and trees
lemurdillo: shuttered window
lemurdillo: orchid 5
lemurdillo: mystery poppy volunteer
lemurdillo: fremontodendron "Pacific Sunset" - Flannelbush hybrid
lemurdillo: spiny tree
lemurdillo: monterey pines, Point Lobos
lemurdillo: gold dust day gecko
lemurdillo: waterlily2
lemurdillo: mojave late afternoon
lemurdillo: clatsop path
lemurdillo: golden currant - Ribes aureum gracillimum
lemurdillo: pacific asia museum courtyard stairs
lemurdillo: Oregon Grape - Mahonia aquifolium
lemurdillo: fern leaf
lemurdillo: yet another mystery lily-like-plant
lemurdillo: Henderson's shooting star - Dodecatheon hendersonii 1
lemurdillo: veggies from the garden
lemurdillo: mystery succulent #1
lemurdillo: prairie and farmhouses
lemurdillo: Nevin's Barberry (Berberis nevinii)
lemurdillo: sunset from the hammock
lemurdillo: buttercup
lemurdillo: tulips 0
lemurdillo: leetle onions!
lemurdillo: ceanothus macro 0
lemurdillo: Ben Lomond Spineflower
lemurdillo: wildflowers