Foldable Human:
Kids will be kids
Foldable Human:
Where we cross
Foldable Human:
Fireworks Exploding in the Distance
Foldable Human:
Pushing a barrow through a ghost of a world
Foldable Human:
Foldable Human:
Foldable Human:
Out of Place
Foldable Human:
Break in the rythm of subjugation
Foldable Human:
Are these the good times?
Foldable Human:
The focus at one with the task
Foldable Human:
Brenda Jane
Foldable Human:
For your Consideration - 2-1
Foldable Human:
Toys in the Yard
Foldable Human:
For your Consideration - 1-2
Foldable Human:
For your Consideration - 1-1
Foldable Human:
Get Off
Foldable Human:
The Old Signs of Industry
Foldable Human:
The Wheels Turn
Foldable Human:
For your Consideration - 2-2
Foldable Human:
Foldable Human:
Foldable Human:
Foldable Human:
Foldable Human:
Foldable Human:
Best Friends, and Siblings
Foldable Human:
The Other Dan
Foldable Human:
Kathryn at a Conjunction of Moments
Foldable Human:
Kyle, our Protagonist
Foldable Human:
Foldable Human:
Mr. Wong