lemonad: Jonathan, Brian, Emily and Greg in Michaux State Forest
lemonad: Brian, Emily and Greg after first road climb from Greenwood Furnace Campground
lemonad: Lots of rocks at Michaux State Forest
lemonad: Emily on rock garden at Michaux State Forest
lemonad: Brian in Michaux State Forest
lemonad: Emily in Michaux State Forest
lemonad: Jonathan in Michaux State Forest
lemonad: Too-fast-Greg in Michaux State Forest
lemonad: Greg, Jonathan and Brian in Michaux State Forest
lemonad: Jonathan showing how dangerous Grave Ridge Trail really is
lemonad: Grave Ridge is classified as most difficult, Michaux State Forest
lemonad: Jonathan and Emily at beginning of Grave Ridge Trail, Michaux State Forest
lemonad: Using a flash with wide angle lens :)
lemonad: Brian on Grave Ridge Trail, Michaux State Forest
lemonad: Emily on Grave Ridge Trail, Michaux State Forest