Luke Embley: Sam taking cute pics of herself at the baseball game.
Luke Embley: Sam Flower.jpg
Luke Embley: Sam Shooting
Luke Embley: Sam and I going to Lunch in Salt Lake
Luke Embley: Sam and I going to Lunch in Salt Lake
Luke Embley: Sam and I doing my favorite thing
Luke Embley: Sam on her Sweet Ride
Luke Embley: First day of 1st grade
Luke Embley: Special Treatment
Luke Embley: Sam St. Patty's Day
Luke Embley: Sam showing this Burrito whos Boss
Luke Embley: Cookie Monster, Yo!
Luke Embley: Big Sister
Luke Embley: Sam at Dads & Donuts
Luke Embley: Sam Halloween
Luke Embley: Sam Halloween
Luke Embley: We spent most of the day at the pool together.
Luke Embley: Superstar
Luke Embley: DSCF0426
Luke Embley: DSCF0402
Luke Embley: Me & Sam after her swim meet.
Luke Embley: IMG_1892
Luke Embley: IMG_1893
Luke Embley: AirMed kids Christmas party
Luke Embley: Our evening walk to Cherry Hill
Luke Embley: Sam taking cute pics of herself at the baseball game.
Luke Embley: IMG_4231
Luke Embley: IMG_4643
Luke Embley: IMG_4642
Luke Embley: IMG_4641