maizers: joel at the palatine
maizers: joel vestal virgins
maizers: joel and the arch
maizers: joel as a column at the colosseum
maizers: joel st. john in lateran
maizers: joel colosseum capital
maizers: joel colosseum
maizers: joel trajan
maizers: joel at trajan's column
maizers: joel at piazza venezia
maizers: joel at the pantheon
maizers: joel at the spanish steps
maizers: joel at the palatine
maizers: picture of joel taking a picture of the pantheon
maizers: joel eating (picnic at the palatine)
maizers: joel at the palatine again
maizers: joel forum
maizers: joel at colosseo
maizers: joel at colosseo
maizers: joel and the arch
maizers: joel at the palatine with colosseo in the background
maizers: joel at the colosseum looking sad and kinda retarded
maizers: joel at cafe cafe with colosseo in the background
maizers: joel at st.a maria maggiore
maizers: joel again?!