lelizard: little lighthouse2
lelizard: little lighthouse
lelizard: first lighthouse
lelizard: first lighthouse2
lelizard: sand
lelizard: Catching clams
lelizard: Lone clam 2
lelizard: Lone clam 1
lelizard: Getting clams
lelizard: Jelly Fish Remains
lelizard: Prim Point Light House
lelizard: Prim Point Light House 1
lelizard: Prim Point Light House 2
lelizard: Prim Point Light House door
lelizard: Red dust
lelizard: Railroad Mailbox
lelizard: Buoy Tree
lelizard: Heritage Harbour House Bed & Breakfast
lelizard: Our room
lelizard: More colourful housing
lelizard: Colourful houses
lelizard: Downtown Charlottetown
lelizard: Victoria Row
lelizard: Prime Minister John A MacDonald Nose Pick
lelizard: The Anne of Green Gables store
lelizard: Anne of Green Gables Chocolate store
lelizard: Making chocolate covered chips
lelizard: Chocolate covered chips
lelizard: Anne of Green Gables Raspberry Cordial
lelizard: Houses downtown