Leley: Somewhere over the Atlantic
Leley: Quebra cabecas.
Leley: Hearts to you.
Leley: Hello
Leley: Cotton Candy
Leley: From up there
Leley: Will it fly today..
Leley: Did not Fly
Leley: Lights
Leley: Deixe a sua marca.
Leley: In the wall
Leley: Vamos...
Leley: Gliding
Leley: Sky lines
Leley: Bom dia...
Leley: Honolulu.
Leley: La luna
Leley: The evening sun
Leley: Fechando a noite
Leley: Bird
Leley: * Por do sol em BSB
Leley: Above all
Leley: It won't get any better ...
Leley: Cantareira and final aproach for landing...
Leley: La de cima... From up above
Leley: E la vai ele. E eu tambem..
Leley: Ice Ice Baby..
Leley: Rotina
Leley: ALOHA SUN !!
Leley: E la de cima....