Lele-hh: Love is so wonderful!
Lele-hh: Löffler - Spoonbill
Lele-hh: Löffler - Spoonbill
Lele-hh: Seidenreiher - Little Egret
Lele-hh: Säbelschnäbler - Avocet
Lele-hh: Hopefully the sky will not fall down on my head!
Lele-hh: Look Mum, I just can stand on my own feet. Not easy to do.
Lele-hh: Dad? Where do the little Avocet babys come from?
Lele-hh: I want to go to bed now.
Lele-hh: Rauchschwalbe - Barn Swallow
Lele-hh: Weißwangengänse - Nonnengänse - Barnacle Geese
Lele-hh: My nest is simply the best one - Mein Nest ist einfach das beste.
Lele-hh: Säbelschnäbler - Avocet
Lele-hh: Uferschnepfe - Black-tailed Godwit
Lele-hh: Walking next to the street
Lele-hh: Austernfischer - Oystercatcher
Lele-hh: Turmfalke - Kestrel
Lele-hh: Feldlerche - Skylark
Lele-hh: No, I'm not a Bunny, I'm a Lamb
Lele-hh: Schnatternde Schnatterente - Twittering Gadwall
Lele-hh: Shoveler and Avocet - Löffelente und Säbelschnäbler
Lele-hh: I'm faster!
Lele-hh: Großer Brachvogel - Curlew
Lele-hh: Wiesenpieper - Meadow pipit
Lele-hh: Großer Brachvogel - European curlew
Lele-hh: Großer Brachvogel - European curlew
Lele-hh: Stormy weather today #2
Lele-hh: Krickenten - Teals
Lele-hh: Rotschenkel - Redshank
Lele-hh: Stormy weather today.