Lele-hh: Oh, das sieht aber lecker aus!
Lele-hh: Thanks for the nut!
Lele-hh: Frühsport - Early Sports
Lele-hh: Eichhörnchen - Squirrel
Lele-hh: I'll hide this one for the winter
Lele-hh: Eichhörnchen - Squirrel
Lele-hh: Autumn
Lele-hh: Uuuiii - guck mal was ich gefunden hab!
Lele-hh: Was da wohl drin ist? - I wonder what's in there.
Lele-hh: Ich esse auch gern Vogelfutter! - I also like to eat birdseed!
Lele-hh: I want to sleep here for a while
Lele-hh: Einfach mal 'ne Runde abhängen - Hanging around for a while
Lele-hh: What a great sunny day :-)
Lele-hh: Eichhörnchen - Squirrel
Lele-hh: Eichhörnchen - Squirrel
Lele-hh: Ooch :-( leer
Lele-hh: Mmmm ... yummy!
Lele-hh: No, I want to eat the nut alone.
Lele-hh: What a yummy nut!
Lele-hh: Hello! Where are my nuts?
Lele-hh: Dreaming of a big nut.
Lele-hh: Rain rain go away, come again another day.
Lele-hh: This nut is so dirty, I have to clean it well.
Lele-hh: I'm so hungry !
Lele-hh: Lecker lecker lecker ! - Yummy yummy yummy !
Lele-hh: Ein Weihnachtsgeschenk für mich! - A Christmas present for me!
Lele-hh: Oh no !! Empty :-(
Lele-hh: I'm an Acrobat
Lele-hh: Heute ist Salattag - Today is Salad Day
Lele-hh: Platz da, jetzt komm ich.