Lele-hh: Schwarzspecht futternd - Black Woodpecker eating
Lele-hh: Schwarzspecht arbeitend - Black Woodpecker working
Lele-hh: Should I take one of these delicious looking berries?
Lele-hh: Oh dear! What happened to my pond?
Lele-hh: Seidenschwänze - Bohemian Waxwings
Lele-hh: Seidenschwanz - Bohemian Waxwing
Lele-hh: Misteldrossel - Mistle Thrush
Lele-hh: Yummy!
Lele-hh: Nordische Wasseramsel - Northern Dipper
Lele-hh: Zaunkönig - Wren
Lele-hh: Hey! I see only leaves here!
Lele-hh: Singing Robin
Lele-hh: Thinking Robin
Lele-hh: Krähe - Crow
Lele-hh: Junger Stieglitz - Young Goldfinch
Lele-hh: Is there anybody in?
Lele-hh: Bergfink - Brambling
Lele-hh: Greenfinch looking through my window
Lele-hh: Zaunkönig - Wren
Lele-hh: Zilpzalp
Lele-hh: Mum! Help! There's a fly on my belly!
Lele-hh: Hausrotschwanz - Black Redstart
Lele-hh: Feeding on the flight - Füttern im Flug
Lele-hh: Learning to fly is not easy.
Lele-hh: Flussseeschwalbe - Common Tern
Lele-hh: Flussseeschwalbe -Common Tern
Lele-hh: Schau meine schlanke Linie - Look at my slim line
Lele-hh: Little Robin - Kleines Rotkehlchen
Lele-hh: Rauchschwalbe - Barn Swallow
Lele-hh: Rauchschwalbe - Barn Swallow