Lele-hh: Meerstrandläufer - Purple Sandpiper
Lele-hh: Lachmöwen - Black-headed gulls
Lele-hh: Sanderlings in the evening sun
Lele-hh: Sanderlings in the evening sun I
Lele-hh: Sanderlings in the evening sun II
Lele-hh: Stormy Weather
Lele-hh: Stormy Weather
Lele-hh: Storm on the Baltic Sea
Lele-hh: The Mute Swan
Lele-hh: Sandregenpfeifer - Great Ringed Plover
Lele-hh: Who are you? Wer bist du denn?
Lele-hh: Harbour Impressions
Lele-hh: Schneeammern - Snow Buntings
Lele-hh: Whooper Swans on the Baltic Sea
Lele-hh: Geisterschiff - Ghost Ship
Lele-hh: Rotschenkel - Redshank
Lele-hh: Große Brachvögel - Curlews
Lele-hh: An der Ostsee - On the Baltic Sea
Lele-hh: I'm not afraid because the waves, are you?
Lele-hh: Sanderling
Lele-hh: Kibitz - Lapwing
Lele-hh: Eiderente mit Miesmuschel - Eider Duck with Blue Mussel
Lele-hh: Eiderente (männlich) - Eider Duck (male)
Lele-hh: Icy !
Lele-hh: Your new featherstyle is superb !
Lele-hh: What a stupid guy is this?
Lele-hh: Dünen - Dunes
Lele-hh: Seehunde - Seals
Lele-hh: Hast Du verstanden? - Did you understand?
Lele-hh: Hehe ... nicht streiten