LeJyBy: Michelangelo
LeJyBy: Tete sculptee
LeJyBy: Martyrs
LeJyBy: Plongeurs
LeJyBy: Medicina
LeJyBy: On the big vatican stairs
LeJyBy: About Christianity in China
LeJyBy: Confucianism in Vatican
LeJyBy: Genesis
LeJyBy: Satire and Angel
LeJyBy: IMG_2862
LeJyBy: IMG_2860
LeJyBy: Christ
LeJyBy: Virgin and Christ
LeJyBy: IMG_2855
LeJyBy: Transfiguration scene, painted by Raphael
LeJyBy: Juriprudentia
LeJyBy: Geoponica
LeJyBy: Mathesis
LeJyBy: Mechanica
LeJyBy: Historia
LeJyBy: Musica
LeJyBy: Pictura
LeJyBy: Theologia
LeJyBy: Philosophia
LeJyBy: Algebra
LeJyBy: Astronomia
LeJyBy: Poesis
LeJyBy: Hydraulica
LeJyBy: Nautica