.Leili: box of rain
.Leili: façade
.Leili: manhattan bridge
.Leili: I'm small. The bridge is big.
.Leili: golden city (5:57 in the morning)
.Leili: bounce off snow through glass
.Leili: brooklyn bridge 2
.Leili: brooklyn bridge 3
.Leili: red spot, white space
.Leili: brooklyn bridge 1
.Leili: any time is two words
.Leili: grand central station
.Leili: layers of lights
.Leili: dozens of potential sorrys, thank yous, restitutions ...
.Leili: the universe's karmic response
.Leili: roiling bolero swirl
.Leili: miracle in the village
.Leili: speeding by
.Leili: Staten Island Ferry
.Leili: While walking the High Line
.Leili: highline